You don't have to know how to meditate; you just follow along. All the audios are Guided Imagery Meditations.
As you listen you get the hang of it and you start letting go by following the voice and then in the silence stay focused on your peace point.Just observe yourself,try not to get caught up in your thoughts.Peace is only a Breath away.
2015-11-11 Breathing in the light starting at feet, breathe it up and around you Into every cell of your body, Cylinder of light lifts off carrying you on a journey to beautiful beach for rest and discovery. Light body rejoins physical body 21mins
2015-12-09 We start with the Peace Point Scannning your body for soreness, breathing it out,While giving yourself permission to let go of that old stagnant energy. Then working with 9 Angels helping your vibration to be raised. 16mins
2015-12-02 ******David Young music****** To order His amazing Music go to DavidYoung Breathing, sense your body Circling spotlight, lifting you up the Golden path, walking toward the pond and having a experience with the Lotus flower 16mins